《机电工程》杂志,月刊( 详细... )

中国标准连续出版物号 ISSN 1001-4551 CN 33-1088/TH
主编陈 晓
副 主 编唐任仲、罗向阳(执行主编)
总 经 理罗向阳
出 版浙江《机电工程》杂志社有限公司
地 址杭州市上城区延安路95号浙江省机电集团大楼二楼211、212室
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作者:张向文,许勇,潘明,樊永显 日期:2009-12-30/span> 浏览:6843 查看PDF文档


(桂林电子科技大学 计算机与控制学院,广西 桂林 541004)


Review of key technologies on vehicle ABS control system
ZHANG Xiangwen, XV Yong, PAN Ming, FAN Yongxian
(Computer and Control College, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China)
Abstract: Aiming at researching and comparing the key technologies of the vehicle antilock braking system (ABS) deeply, a review was given on the two key technologies of the vehicle reference speed estimation and the optimal slip ratio estimation, based on the vehicle ABS technology development and the working principle of the ABS control system. For the vehicle reference speed estimation and the optimal slip ratio estimation, the advantages and disadvantages of the realization methods were analyzed and compared. The results show that the fuzzy Kalman filtering method is the ideal vehicle reference speed estimation method in the calculation complexity, accuracy, robustness and practicality etc.. The slope method and the extreme function method are good method, which should be better when the two methods are both used and their results are calibrated mutually.
Key words: ABS; wheel speed; vehicle acceleration; vehicle reference speed estimation; optimal slip ratio estimation
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